Inbit Messenger

Inbit Messenger 4.9.0

Image Inbit Messenger 4.9.0
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Total votes: 1 votes
  • Developer:


  • OS:

    Windows 8

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 31, 2022

  • "Network communication client"

The messaging system known as Inbit Messenger has been created with the purpose of facilitating communications between people who are part of the same company, although it works really well with any type of group whose members are accustomed to collaborate remotely through their respective computers.

The server and client must be installed on the PCs to be used for communication. At the beginning of the conversations the same ones admit from texts to screenshots, photographies and other files, fact that gives rise to an active collaboration between all the users.

Any action carried out through Inbit Messenger is stored in a report so that the head of the collective has the ability to control absolutely everything that happens in the communications regardless of the group in which they take place. The administrator can also cover e-mails sent through the module integrated in the program.